Terms & Conditions
What should I do if I receive defective products, incorrect items, or dissatisfied with my order?
PASAYA guarantees your satisfaction with our product qualities, however, if you are dissatisfied with your order, you can return
    or exchange the items within 7 days after delivery under these conditions

1. tems must be in their original conditions, unwashed, and unused. 
2. Items must be in their original packagings.
3. In case of set items, the entire set must be returned.
4. Free gifts must also be returned with the order.

1. Please send an e-mail with order number or receipts to e-shop@pasaya.com, including contact e-mail address and phone numbers
2. Please state all reasons for return/exchange
3. Please attach the photos of the defective products or incorrect items
A: You can return/exchange your order at PASAYA store or outlets with purchase documents or receipts, or online by the procedures above.
A: PASAYA has no trial policy at the moment, but our team of experts are always available for any questions or recommendations regarding our products. You can try on PASAYA’s experiences at any of our store or outlets.

Processing time will take up to 2 working days and we will contact you once it is completed.